15 Nov Accu-Shear PRDs Pass Submerged CRYO Testing
8″-30″ Accu-Shear Devices are CYRO Certified.
Accu-Shear Devices are the ideal option for Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Facilities
EnviroValve recently completed 3rd Party certification of our devices for Cryogenic applications
Triple offset metal seals, unique to the Accu-Shear, ensure proper performance at -320 F
EnviroValve can provide in house and 3rd party testing catered to your application
Devices, ranging in size from 8” to 30” in diameter, have successfully completed Submerged Liquid Nitrogen Cryogenic Testing
EnviroValve has the shown itself to be the leader in cryogenic bypass devices due to our patented metal seal technology
If you would like more information on the Accu-Shear please visit www.envirovalve.net, or click here to view our most up to date brochure.
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EnviroValve Team