07 Mar ExxonMobil Lunch & Learn
On Friday we visited the Exxon Mobil Campus in Houston Texas, and wow what a beautiful, state of the art facility they have there. I was so overwhelmed I realized on the flight back I did not take any pictures. I did find some professional photos that were taken at the campus if you click here, I encourage you to take a minute to look at the photos, the architecture and scale of the facility is truly incredible.
We had a great discussion with the engineering/flare and fired equipment group and I wanted to share with you some of the most frequently asked questions we get during these presentations and the answers.
Question: Is there a recommended maintenance schedule for the Accu-Shear device?
Answer: Not for the device itself, we do recommend testing or manually breaking the pre-loaded pin once a year just to ensure nothing is blocking the pallet/disc from fully opening. It is more of a reassurance than a maintenance requirement. Because there are very few components assembled in a very simple design with very low cycles the Accu-Shear does not require a maintenance plan over the typical lifespan of the facility it is installed in.
Question: Is there a training manual or class for pin replacement?
Answer: No, the replacement of the Accu-Shear pin is so simple, no training is required however we do send an installation and operation manual with all devices. All the operator needs to do is match the pin part number on the pin to the pin part number on the device. We can even color coordinate to help alleviate pin mix up when multiple devices are used in the same area. See pictures below of the tag we attach to the Accu-Shear device with the pin part number and the picture of the corresponding pin.
Question: Is the Accu-Shear ASME Certified?
Answer: Yes!!!! Accu-Shear has been ASME (THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS) Certified since 2013 and was just re-certified in 2016 per ASME requirement (every three years).
Question: Is fatigue on the pin a concern with Accu-Shear?
Answer: Accu-Shear uses a pre-loaded pin, that in order to insert the operator must over torque the pallet thus removing any extra slack in the device. This prevents wear/fatigue on the pin, this is one of the advantages Accu-Shear has over a rupture disc device.
If you or your team have specific questions about Accu-Shear technology that you would like answered please email me (Hanna Battenfield hbattenfield@envirovalve.net). If you would like to schedule a lunch and learn visit at your facility or would like more information please contact me as well 918-872-7331.
Hanna Battenfield
Marketing Manager
Direct: 918-872-7331