Dear Customer,
As promised, we wanted to provide you with an update on our progress to obtain ASME Certification on our Accu-Shear valve line:
Earlier in July, we sent three scaled down sample valves to the National Board for the flow testing portion of the Certification. A shortened version of the 27 page approval letter is attached. Bottom line is we have successfully completed the flow testing phase of ASME Certification and now have a KRg factor of 3.71 for our valves. The direct wording from the letter:
“Envirovalve has successfully completed testing of the subject valve type in accordance of the provisions of paragraph UG-131(k) of Section VIII and paragraph (a)(2) of Code Case 2397. The National Board will accept a KRg of no less than 3.71 for this valve type.”
-Joe Ball, P.E, National Board
Since the Accu-Shear Valve line does not included valves below 8″ in diameter the national board opted to go ahead and do an MNFA test on our models (typically this is done after the shop audit). Again the Accu-Shear did great with the following response from the national board:
“We decided to run an MNFA test on your models…. Since we would not have the opportunity to run this test for the production valves due to the size, we decided to test the models…. Just as an FYI, had this been an official test [on audited valves] they would have passed with flying colors.”
-Thomas P. Beirne, PE, National Board
Now that we have completed all flow testing portions of our ASME Certification process, we have started manufacturing some valves to be used in the plant audit (first week of October) and set pressure testing (October).
We are still estimating having our certification by late October or early November 2013.
We would like the opportunity to start quoting your projects where ASME valves are required and the “Award Date” of your project is November 2013 or later. By quoting us, along with your current supplier, it gives you an “Option” comes award date when we are certified.
If we haven’t obtained certification by that date, you just use the standard option you have always used in the past – not that we anticipate this to be an issue given we have already cleared the toughest hurdles of certification.
We hope you decide to quote us as we believe our valve is a higher quality alternative for your customers! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
Best Regards,
Curtis and Jim,
Curtis Schmidt, P.E.
Director of Engineering
(918) 231-3547
Jim Kerian
General Manager